Tuesday, June 19, 2007

9:30 am, and later around 4 pm

According to Surfline.com:
2-3 ft.+ - knee to chest high d fair - conditions.
Sectiony, low tide lines with some pick off corners that could use more tide.

High tide at 2:28 pm, 3.80 high

Board: Shaka
Break: Mission Beach Jetty
Time in water: about an hour
Waves caught: 5 or 6
Beers drunk last night: 5
Hangover: slight

So it was a good day in the water. The waves were small, but with a decent shape. My form is coming back to me, and I popped up without any thought today. No more one-knee half-assery.
After about an hour, the waves flattened out, so I took off, tired anyway.

After lunch, I took my old jacket to Play-it-Again Sports on Pacific Beach and traded it in. I like the jacket, but last time I used it regularly I weighed maybe 200 lbs. I weighed in today at 238 lbs, which sucks ass. So anyway, I picked up a used spring suit for 13 bucks on trade. It's a shortlegged tanktop kind.

After that, I bought some comic books, then headed back to the jetty to try out the new suit. When I put it on (a bit tight), I realized that I had no place to put my car key. No loop or pocket. So I decided, what the hell, I'll just leave my car unlocked. I also knew this was a bad idea, not so much because somebody might steal my stuff, but because I knew I might lock the door by habit, with the key inside.

So I focused on not doing this, and then did it anyway.

Feeling like an asshole, I walked over to this guy sitting on my Cherokee. I told him that I had locked my keys in my car, and could I borrow his phone? he laughed, and told me that he was waiting for a locksmith because he had lost his key in the water. So I hung around, but he wasn't too talkative. Neither am I, so the time went slow.

After the locksmith showed up and took care of the guy, he spent approximately ten seconds opening my door. I was charged $40 for this service, which I reckon works out to around $4 per second. Good work if you can get it.

Afterward, I came home, because with that kind of luck, I'm not risking my key anywhere near the water.

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